Monday, June 16, 2008

Day 1 - The Trip to Hong Kong

It was a long trip, but we made it. We flew out of Newark and to our surprise, the flight path was not Westward but rather Northward. We flew over somewhere near the North pole and can down throught China to Hong Kong. It was a long trip without much leg room, but after about 5 movies and a few naps, we made it to Hong Kong for the end of Day 2. We arrived at around 7:00pm (15 hours in the air and we lost 12 hours in time change). It kind of funny, when we landed I didn't have to reset my watch because they are exactly 12 hours off of EST. Once we landed, we had to figure out how to get to our hotel. That went pretty well, we took a train from the airport to Kowloon and then they have a free bus service to local hotels from there. Once we got to the hotel, we crashed.

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